Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Bloggers Remorse

So, I realize I may have been too hard on last evenings wine boys. I'm sure they are very talented it's just their attitudes are in need of a major adjustment. The wine world is so varied and there are so many different expressions of wine. Each person will have styles that they prefer. No one's opinions should be discounted. It's a rather sore point for me as I've come across that often in Italy. I expect it from the old guard over there but haven't encountered it here. So, it got under my skin.

And to further clarify, it's not that there are no good Pinot Noirs grown in the Okanagan, it's just that Pinot Noir is an extremely difficult grape to grow and needs proper handling. It's a bit of a princess. You need a winemaker that really knows what he's doing. And, it does thrive in cooler climate areas as mentioned before. Some local Pinot Noirs that I have enjoyed include Burrowing Owl and Gray Monk. Just make sure that when you drink Pinot Noir that it not be served too warm. It loses all it's finesse. It shouldn't be warmer than 16 degrees centigrade.

OK. I feel better now. However, there still is no excuse for not noticing the taint in that glass of wine. Especially from people with that sort of training.

1 comment:

In Vino Veritas said...

Can we say passive agressive! Come on you know you loved it. Just think of all the time and effort you put into winning your sommelier of the year award. You deserve to relish in your knowledge. Let's put people in their place. These jokers wouldn't get far in Italy or France so there.